My Collection of Fraggle Rock Stuff

I have put this page together as a complement to the Vaughn collection. I only display pictures of things that can't be found at Chris Vaughn's Fraggle Rock Page or weren't there when I put them up. Other pictures, such as the books and videos, are from the backs of those items since the back-art isn't displayed at the Vaughn site. Check back often as my collection is always growing.

Newest additions are marked in Red
Back art from the educational series of books

Fraggle Rock Videos

From the 1986 Video Collection:

Summaries taken from the back of the boxes.
Volume 3: The Minstrels

Summary: Red Fraggle finds herself in deep trouble. Cantus, the mysterious minstrel of the Rock, has announced the great Fraggle Medley, in which each Fraggle will sing his or her own song. Red is given the incredible honor of beginning the Medley. But she doesn't know what her song is, and nobody will tell her!
Volume 8: The Great Radish Caper

Summary: Mokey Fraggle tries to help Junior Gorg. It's very unusual for a Fraggle to help a Gorg. But then, Junior really needs help. The poor guy is so lonely he's tried to make friends with a radish!
Volume 12: Red's Club

Summary: Red starts a secret club to compete with the one that Gobo has organized, but only Cotterpin Doozer will join.
Volume 12: All Work and All Play

Summary: Cotterpin Doozer wakes up one day and decides she does not like the industrious life of a Doozer. She'd rather be a Fraggle. But she discovers it is not that easy to try to be something that you are not.

From the 1993 video collection:

Volume 1: Meet the Fraggles!

Beginnings: Explore the secret world of Fraggle Rock and meet all the colorful muppet characters who call it home.

A Friend in Need: Even though the Fraggles think Doc's dog, Sprocket, is a "Monster", Gobo braves the Land of the Gorgs to help him out of a tight spot!
Volume 2: Fraggle Fun & Doozer Doings!

All Work and All Play: Cotterpin Doozer is two days away from getting her helmet and becoming a full-fledged Doozer worker. Except she doesn't want to be a Doozer, she wants to be a Fraggle! Because Fraggles to all the things that Doozers don't - they play!

The Preachifacication of Convincing John: Even though Fraggles live on Radishes, Mokey decides eating Doozer radish dust constructions hurts the Doozers' feelings. So she gets the help of Convincing John, who can convince anyone of anything!
Volume 3: The Fraggles Search & Find!

The Great Radish Famine: The world of Fraggle Rock nearly comes to an end when all the radishes suddenly disappear! The Fraggles, Doozers, and Gorgs, who can't seem to get along with each other, realize they need each other to make the radishes grow again.

The Minstrels: One morning the Fraggles wake up hearing the most beautiful thing they have ever heard! It's the magical music played by a band of traveling musicians who've come to help carry out an ancient Fraggle tradition - The Medley!
Volume 4: The Haunting of Castle Gorg!

Dark & Stormy Night: Gobo is desperate to explore new territory, so one evening he braves the Castle of the Gorgs - alone! But then the night turns eerie. Wha-what's that noise? If no one is supposed to be home, the castle must be haunted!

The Secret Society of Poobahs: Mokey really really really wants to be a Poobah, but it's such a mysterious club, she hasn't got a clue about how to join! Then, much to her surprise she's invited to be one and things get seriously silly!
Volume 5: A Festive Fraggle Holiday!

The Bells of Fraggle Rock: All the Fraggles think the Festival of the Bells is the most wondrous of Fraggle celebrations. All except Gobo, who doesn't believe the Great Bell exists until he finds it in a most unexpected place!

Perfect Blue Rollie: It's another perfect day in Fraggle Rock, when much to their surprise Wembley and Boober find a riverbed full of smoothies and rollies - the neatest gifts a Fraggle can give to a friend!

Fraggle Rock Audios

Fraggle Rock LP Record - 1983
Included Songs
Side 1:
Side 2:
Fraggle Rock Theme
Follow Me
Convincing John
Doozer Knitting Song
Do It On My Own
Wemblin' Fool
Lost And Found
Catch The Tail By The Tiger
Dum Of A Son Of A Gun
Brave Boy, Jump Up
Muck And Goo
Friendship Song
Fraggle Rock Rock
Beetle Song
Easy Is The Only Way To Go
Our Melody
Fraggle Rock: Perfect Harmony
Included Songs
Side 1:
Side 2:
Fraggle Rock Theme
Go With the Flow
Perfect Harmony
Without a Hat
Music Box
Here to There
Sail Away
Dum De Dum
Ragtime Queen
I Seen Troubles
Dreaming of Someone
Pantry Chant
Helping Hand
Time to Live as One
Closing Theme
Fraggle Rock 45 Record - 1982
Included Songs
Fraggle Rock Rock
Follow Me
Fraggle Rock Theme
Lost and Found
Fraggle Rock 45 Record - 1984
Included Songs
Side 1
Side 2
Fraggle Rock Theme
Helping Hand
Time to Live as One

Fraggle Rock Books

Fraggle Rock Coloring Books
Fun and Games in Fraggle Rock


Since Fraggles only work thirty minutes a week, they have lots of time to play. In fact, having fun and playing games are two of the things they do best. This lively coloring book shows the Fraggles' favorite activities: acting goofy, dancing, singing, and playing. All the Fraggles are here, along with the Gorgs and Doozers, in a coloring book that will give young children hours of fun.
Springtime in Fraggle Rock


It's springtime and Gobo's seeds have finally arrived. All the Fraggles are excited, and they go out into the Gorgs' Garden to find the perfect place to plant their favorite vegetables. Everyone pitches in, and soon the little garden is finished. But when harvest time comes, the Fraggles have to find a way to get their luscious vegetables out of the garden without being caught by Junior Gorg.

Fraggle Rock Comic Book
The Monster that Could Be Anything
Marvel Comics - Vol 2, June 3, 1988

Fraggle Rock Hardcover Books
What's a Fraggle?
What's a Fraggle you ask? Well, Fraggles are small, colorful creatures who live in a magical place called Fraggle Rock. Take a guided tour of this world and meet its most interesting inhabitants. There is Gobo, the brave explorer; the dreamy and poetic Mokey; the eternally depressed Boober; the enthusiastic but indecisive Wembley; and Red, a terrific athlete who has bright red hair. This clever book is sure to be a favorite with Fraggle fans everywhere.
What Do Doozers Do?
Those irrepressible Doozers are back, doing all the things that Doozers do best. And just what is that? Work, work, and more work. The dedication of these cute denizens of Fraggle Rock baffles the carefree Fraggles, who think a half-hour work week is just about right. But the Doozer day never seems to end. Little Doozers go to school to learn about the beauty of construction, while their parents build the most intricate tunnels, bridges, and towers imaginable. You would think the Doozers would be upset when the Fraggles come along and eat the buildings, but not the Doozers - they're happy to have room to start all over again!
No One Knows Where Gobo Goes
Gobo Fraggle is a brave explorer who constantly sets off on new adventures. Usually, he tells his close friends where he is going and when he will return. But every so often he just disappears.
One day, Mokey, Red, Boober, and Wembley get very curious about where Gobo goes. Does he visit a special cave where a secret river flows? Or a giant cavern where the speckled mushroom grows? To find out, they decide to follow him, and they set out on a journey that takes them through the dark, uncharted caves and tunnels of Fraggle Rock.
If I Were King of the Universe
Poor Junior Gorg is tired of doing all his chores. He's tired of tending the royal garden, sweeping out the castle, and polishing his father's armor. What Junior really wants is to be King of the Universe.
I'll eat what I please and have breakfast in bed.
I'll wear a fine coat and a crown on my head.
I'll never have chores that need to get done.
I'll lie down and talk to my toes in the sun.
But after carefully pondering the life of a King, Junior realizes that he likes his chores and, all things considered, he'd rather be just who he is.
Best Friends
Mokey is a quiet kind of Fraggle. She likes to think. She likes to dream. She likes to quietly watch what's going on around her.
Red is a noisy kind of Fraggle. She likes to swim. She likes to run. She likes to yell "Whoopee!" very loud.
It may seem strange, but Mokey Fraggle and Red Fraggle are best friends.
So, when Mokey's paintbrush falls apart, Red volunteers to go with her to get a new one, even though it means going through the Cavern of the Creeping Crocus, and over the perilous Great Gorge, and through the Falling Rock Zone, and passing by the den of the terrible Gagtoothed Groan. After all, what are best friends for?
The Legend of the Doozer Who Didn't
This is a story that Doozer mothers tell their children to scare them into being good. It is the unbelievable tale of an ordinary Doozer who just . . . stops . . . working.
Not work? It's unheard of! It just isn't done!
All Doozers keep busy! For them, work is fun!
After all, that's the first thing they learn while in school!
The absolute, definite First Doozer Rule:
Working is good! Building's okay!
Doozers would much rather work hard than play!
But not this Doozer. He decides to spend all his time singing and playing. And what eventually happens to him is so awful that you may not believe it!
Sprocket's Christmas Tale
Poor Sprocket is very depressed. It's the night before Christmas, and he still doesn't have a present for Doc. Last year it had been easy; Sprocket had given Doc a wonderful old hammer he found in a trash can. But this year Sprocket hadn't found the right gift and now it's too late. It's snowing outside and Doc will soon be home from his annual Boy Scout reunion.
But unbeknownst to Sprocket, Traveling Matt is trudging through the snow toward Doc's workshop and Fraggle Rock. And through a strange turn of events that leaves everyone a little bit confused, Matt ends up solving poor Sprocket's problem.
Weekly Reader Books: These books have no summary on them.
Traveling Matt's Adventures in Outer Space
Wembley Fraggle and the Magic Stone
Waggleby of Fraggle Rock
The Case of the Missing Socks
Mokey's Birthday Present
Wembley and the Soggy Map
The Cave of the Lost Fraggle
"Jim Henson Books feature the Fraggles and the Muppet Babies in a series of exciting and imaginative stories that teach children basic concepts. With Jim Henson Books, learning is fun!": A statement from the summaries of the following books. These books take the fraggles to a more elementary level than the story books.
Mokey Fraggles New ColorsMokey Fraggle is quite an artist, and she's working on her masterpiece. Join Mokey as she teaches us that the world is full of color.
Wembley Fraggle's Big, Bigger, BiggestWembley Fraggle likes to measure all kinds of things. Come along with Wembley as he teaches us that comparisons can be fun.
The Fraggles CooperateLearn the important concept of cooperation with your Fraggle friends as they help each other build, play, cook, and clean. Working together can be fun.

Red Fraggle's Birthday - hard cover

Carnival Book
The Cave of the Lost Fraggle

Marooned in Fraggle Rock - hardcover
Back Art


It's Boober's birthday and all the Fraggles are busy getting ready to give him a surprise party. Gobo is making a delicious pot of lima bean soup, and the other Fraggles are putting up party decorations. But the day may not be a happy one, because one of Boober's typical predictions of impending disaster is about to come true!
The Doozer Disaster - softcover
Back Art


Nothing ever happens to Wembley. Exciting things always happen to Red, Gobo, and Mokey, and every once in a while, something exciting happens to Boober. But nothing exciting ever happens to Wembley.
That is, until Wembley and Mokey find a giant radish in the Gorg's Garden. They decide to pull it out and roll it back to Fraggle Rock.
But as they push the giant radish back and forth, Wembley slips into the hole under the radish and dissapears! And when he wakes up he finds himself in the middle of the most exciting adventure a Fraggle has ever had.

Fraggle Rock Doll Patterns

Fraggle Rock View Master: Boober's Dream

Mcdonalds Fraggle Rock Happy Meal Toys
Wembley and Boober in Pickle Mobile
Red in Radish Mobile
Mokey in Eggplant Mobile
Gobo in Carrot Mobile

McDonald's 1987 Fraggle Rock Happy Meal Boxes

Click on thunmbnail for 640x480 jpg image.
Side 1-2
Side 3-4

Fraggle Rock Tambourine
Fraggle Rock Stuffed Dolls
1983 Tomy Line
Image located at Vaughn site
Hasbro Softies
Image located at Vaughn site

Fraggle Rock Metal Lunch Box and Thermos

Fraggle Rock Plastic Lunch Box and Thermos

Fraggle Rock Jigsaw Puzzle

The Great Fraggle Travel Race

Fraggle Rock 1984 Calendar

Click on thumbnail for 550x600 jpg image.

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